This film, based on a true story, begins by featuring two gay men, Kim and Lee, in love with each other. In a desperate attempt not to lose Lee, who is under pressure to get married, Kim, after much agony, introduces Lee to his unmarried sister Kim as a prospective husband. Not knowing exactly what is going on, Kim decides to marry Lee. Eventually, she finds out the true nature of the relationship between her husband and her brother. Upon learning of her pregnancy, however, K...
This film, based on a true story, begins by featuring two gay men, Kim and Lee, in love with each other. In a desperate attempt not to lose Lee, who is under pressure to get married, Kim, after much agony, introduces Lee to his unmarried sister Kim as a prospective husband. Not knowing exactly what is going on, Kim decides to marry Lee. Eventually, she finds out the true nature of the relationship between her husband and her brother. Upon learning of her pregnancy, however, Kim decides against divorce; to save her family symbolized by the baby. Instead, she persuades her brother to leave Lee. How will their lives unfold after these disastrous events?