Korean thriller Marionette is set to have its world premiere at the International Film Festival of India, Goa (IFFI) this month. From first time feature helmer LEE Han-wook, the film stars actress LEE Yoo-young and focuses on the problem of underage teenage victims of sex abuse in Korean schools. LEE features as a high school teacher who begins to receives messages from a mysterious man who goes o...
KIM Hee-won Co-Stars in Sex Crime Thriller Fresh off her leading role in HONG Sang-soo’s arthouse title Yourself and Yours, LEE Yoo-young has taken on the main role in the upcoming film Marionette. Co-starring in the juvenile sex crime thriller is actor KIM Hee-won. LEE has signed on for the role of a high school teacher in a film that will explore the problem of underage sex in modern Korean soc...
Tromso Takes OUR SUNHI, MOT Goes to DhakaFestival season is about the get started again in the new year and programmers have wasted no time in selecting new Korean films for their lineups. The Tromso International Film Festival has added HONG Sangsoo’s Our Sunhi to its lineup while new Korean indie Mot will screen at the Dhaka International Film Festival. In addition, the short Hide N Seek was inv...
Awards and Invitation
Boston International Film Festival (2014) - Session12 - Indie Spirit
Montreal World Film Festival (2013) - Korean Cinema of Today (short movies)