Gae-chun, known as the legendary queen of female diver in a town of Jeju Island, and her granddaughter Hae-ji live peacefully looking after each other. One day, Gae-chun lost her beloved only granddaughter by accident. Gae-chun did everything she could do to find Hae-ji. In 12 years, Gae-chun finally reunites with Hae-ji. However, a story that Gae-chun does not want to believe is followed. Could Gae-chun and Hae-ji’s life be back to normal as it was 12 years ago?
Gae-chun, known as the legendary queen of female diver in a town of Jeju Island, and her granddaughter Hae-ji live peacefully looking after each other. One day, Gae-chun lost her beloved only granddaughter by accident. Gae-chun did everything she could do to find Hae-ji. In 12 years, Gae-chun finally reunites with Hae-ji. However, a story that Gae-chun does not want to believe is followed. Could Gae-chun and Hae-ji’s life be back to normal as it was 12 years ago?