Director KIM Ki-duk "I hope for more cinemas for indie films"
Apr 16, 2013
by JANG Sung-ran
Gyeonggido Diversity Cinema Opens
"There is no meaning without the audience. I hope for more diversity-oriented cinemas from today" said director KIM Ki-duk at the opening of Megabox Suwon Youngtong Diversity Cinema on April 11th. He also said, "It is my personal hope to see some 100 diversity cinemas, 5% of multiplex cinemas. That will encourage independent directors" thereby expressing his desire for more support for cinemas for independent films.
Governor KIM said, "There is a lot of support for indie films but if film industry people let us know which direction we need to take, we'll do our best." CEO YEO lamented the current situation where focus is concentrated on commercial films adding "I hope today will be a historic day for independent films."
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