Period Action-Comedy Franchise Title Sells in Hong Kong
Showbox, one of Korea’s main film investors and distributors, had a fruitful few days at the Hong Kong International Film and TV Market (Filmart), which took place from March 19-22 on HK Island, running alongside the Hong Kong International Film Festival (HKIFF). The company scored several deals on their recent Lunar New Year hit Detective K: Secret of the Living Dead.
The third installment in a period detective action-comedy franchise led by KIM Myung-min and directed by KIM Sok-yun, the film was sold to iQiyi (China), Movie Cloud (Taiwan), Edko Films (Hong Kong and Macau), Twin (Japan), Viva Communications (the Philippines), CJ E&M HK (Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia and Thailand) and Emphasis (worldwide inflight rights).